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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Millions of Iranian rials (IR) unless otherwise noted)
- Years ending March 20 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94
- Income, Production and Employment:
- Population (millions) 55.8 57.0 62.0
- Real GDP /1
- (billion 1985 rials) 16,871 17,647 18,176
- (million USD) 59,800 65,000 66,950
- Per Capita GDP USD 1,071 1,140 1,140
- Real GDP Growth (pct.) /1 8.6 4.6 3.0
- GDP by Sector: (pct. of GDP)
- Manufacturing 21.2 21.0 21.0
- Agriculture 23.3 23.3 23.0
- Petroleum 21.2 21.0 21.0
- Services 35.5 36.0 36.0
- Money and Prices:
- Money Supply (M1/billion rials) 14,300 17,000 N/A
- Interest Rate on
- Short-term Deposits (pct.) 6.5 7.0 N/A
- Wholesale Price Index
- (1985 = 100) End-Year 417.1 547.6 712
- Consumer Price Index
- (1985 = 100) End-Year 346.6 411.0 534
- Exchange Rate (IR per USD)
- Basic Rate 67.4 67.1 1,740
- Floating Rate 1,440 1,540 2,200
- Balance of Payments and Trade: (millions of U.S dollars)
- Total Exports (FOB) /1 18,415 19,280 15,400
- Exports to U.S. /2 0.8 0.2 0.5 /3
- Total Imports (FOB) /1 24,975 24,000 17,800
- Imports from U.S. /2 749 616 169 /3
- Trade Balance -6,560 -5,720 -2,400
- Current Account /1 -10,300 -5,000 -5,000
- N/A-- Not available.
- 1/ Estimate.
- 2/ Year ending December 31.
- 3/ January-August, 1994.
- 1. General Policy Framework
- In 1994, Iranian President Rafsanjani's political opponents
- blocked and even rolled back several important elements of his
- economic reform program. Military spending continued to burden
- the economy. Reschedulings of $10 billion of Iran's official
- debt brought temporary relief, but the country is finding it
- difficult to obtain significant new credits and may face a new
- debt crisis.
- Economic uncertainty and parliamentary opposition to
- economic liberalization resulted in the postponement of the
- regime's second Five-Year Plan (FYP), which was originally to
- have gone into effect in March, 1994. The government now
- states that it will have the FYP in place by March, 1995. In
- late 1994, senior government and parliamentary figures were
- highlighting features of the new FYP which emphasizes social
- justice concerns over economic liberalization.
- Rafsanjani's administration had to retreat from one of its
- hardest-fought victories of 1993 -- the unification of exchange
- rates -- when the Iranian rial plunged from an open market
- value of about 1,400 to the dollar in March 1993 to over 2,500
- to the dollar in the spring of 1994.
- The large influx of imports which came with postwar
- reconstruction after 1989 abated due to the 1993 credit
- crunch. The government's efforts to improve its credit
- position have led to a significant import compression.
- There are no diplomatic relations between the United States
- and Iran. The current state of political relations has acted
- generally to discourage a U.S. business presence in Iran.
- Moreover, U.S. trade restrictions and the Iranian foreign
- exchange shortage are major deterrents to reviving significant
- economic ties with the United States. Despite these problems,
- there is a modest trade relationship; U.S. exports to Iran
- peaked at $749 million in 1992. However, because of its
- economic problems, Iran's purchases of U.S. products have been
- steadily declining since then.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policies
- Iran moved from its former three-tiered system of legal
- exchange rates to a unified exchange rate of on March 20,
- 1993. However, because of public outcry at the declining
- international purchasing power of the rial, the government
- intervened throughout the summer of 1993 in an effort to hold
- the exchange rate at about 1,700 rials to the dollar, using up
- billions of dollars in scarce foreign exchange. When, in the
- spring of 1994, the rial dropped as low as 2,800 to the dollar,
- the government reimposed complicated import controls which
- amount to foreign exchange rationing for most transactions.
- There has also been a return to government-subsidized
- preferential exchange rates for the import of selected consumer
- goods, another drain on scarce foreign exchange resources.
- 3. Structural Policies
- The banking, petroleum, transportation, utilities, and
- mining sectors are nationalized. The government has announced
- its intent to begin limited privatization in banking and
- finance, but so far has not been able to implement its plans.
- At the time of the revolution, radicals were put in charge of
- bonyads (foundations) which inherited much wealth confiscated
- from the former elite. They retain control of many large
- industrial and trading enterprises, and are politically
- powerful opponents of privatization.
- The petroleum sector is the economy's traditional
- mainstay. Iran's current maximum sustainable capacity is
- around four million barrels per day (mbd), according to the
- government. Iran's OPEC quota is 3.6 mbd. Capacity is
- constrained by the natural decline in the productivity of major
- onshore fields, delays in implementing necessary gas
- re-injection projects, and a shortage of experienced
- personnel. Without large infusions of capital, the oil sector
- may have difficulty maintaining current production, much less
- achieving the government's publicly-stated goal of five million
- barrels per day (mbd) of sustainable capacity. .
- The government did not meet its projected petroleum
- revenues in 1994 due to soft oil prices. The government sells
- petroleum products domestically at about 10 percent of the
- world price, thus cutting exports and encouraging
- over-consumption.
- 4. Debt Management Policies
- During the eight-year war with Iraq, Iran contracted almost
- no external debt. From 1988 through 1992, Iran borrowed large
- amounts, primarily in the form of short-term trade credits
- (often covered by creditor government guarantees), in order to
- increase domestic living standards, rebuild its petroleum and
- industrial sectors, and modernize its armed forces.
- The credit crunch of 1993-94 crippled Iran's trade. A
- series of bilateral reschedulings with official creditors in
- 1994 did not include significant new credits. Several export
- credit guarantee agencies, including those of Japan, France,
- Germany, and Italy, have either suspended coverage for Iran or
- are considering new loans only on a case-by-case basis.
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- The U.S. prohibits the export of items on the U.S.
- Munitions List, crime control and detection devices, chemical
- weapons precursors, nuclear and missile technology, and
- equipment used to manufacture military equipment. As a result
- of the Iran-Iraq Nonproliferation Act, passed by Congress and
- signed by the President on October 23, 1992 all goods exported
- to Iran which require a validated export license are subject,
- upon application, to a policy of denial. This affects all dual
- use commodities. Iranian exports to the United States were
- prohibited by order of the President on October 29, 1987.
- Exceptions to the embargo of imports of Iranian oil are allowed
- in connection with payments to U.S. claimants awarded by the
- U.S.-Iran Claims Tribunal at The Hague. U.S. sanctions have
- had a deleterious effect on U.S. exports to Iran. However,
- Iran's current financial problems can be considered the most
- significant barrier to the export of U.S. goods and services to
- Iran.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- In a countervailing duty investigation on Iranian
- pistachios, the U.S. pistachio industry alleged that a foreign
- exchange subsidy was available to exporters in Iran. Although
- countervailing duties were imposed, the U.S. Department of
- Commerce was never able to verify the existence of this program
- because of a lack of cooperation from the Iranian authorities
- and a paucity of information from the growers.
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- Iran is not a member of the World Intellectual Property
- Organization, but is a signatory to the Paris Convention for
- the Protection of Industrial Property. Patent protection is
- below the level of protection in the United States. Iran has
- not adhered to any of the international copyright conventions.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. Right of Association
- Article 131 of Iran's Labor Code grants workers and
- employers alike the right to form and join their own
- organizations. In practice, however, there are no real labor
- unions. A national organization known as the "Worker's House,"
- founded in 1982 as the labor wing of the now-defunct Islamic
- Republican Party, is the only authorized national labor
- organization with nominal claims to represent all Iranian
- workers. It works closely with the work place Islamic councils
- that exist in many Iranian enterprises. The Workers' House is
- largely a conduit of government influence and control, not a
- trade union founded by workers to represent their interests.
- The officially sanctioned Islamic labor councils also are
- instruments of government influence and not bodies created and
- controlled by workers to advance their own interests, although
- they have frequently been able to block layoffs or the firing
- of workers.
- There is also a network of guild unions, which operates on
- a regional basis. These guild unions issue vocational
- licenses, fund financial cooperatives to assist members, and
- help workers to find jobs. The guild unions operate with the
- backing of the government.
- No information is available on the right of workers in Iran
- to strike. However, it is unlikely that the government would
- tolerate any strike deemed to be at odds with its economic and
- labor policies.
- b. Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- In practice, the right of workers to organize independently
- and bargain collectively cannot be documented. It is not known
- whether labor legislation and practice in the export processing
- zones differ in any significant respect from the law and
- practice in the rest of the country. No information is
- available on the mechanism used to set wages.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Section 273 of the Iranian Penal Code provides that any
- person who does not have definite means of subsistence and who,
- through laziness or negligence, does not look for work may be
- obliged by the government to take suitable employment. This
- provision has been frequently criticized by the Committee of
- Experts (COE) of the International Labor Organization (ILO) as
- contravening ILO Convention 29 on forced labor. In its 1990
- report, the COE noted an indication by the government in its
- latest report to the Committee that Section 273 had been
- abolished and replaced for a trial period by a new provision
- approved by the Parliament. The Iraqi government, according to
- the COE, stated that the new provision was not incompatible
- with Convention 29, and promised to provide a copy after the
- provision was translated. The COE noted that the Government of
- Iraq had indicated in its 1977 report that similar regulations
- concerning unemployed persons and vagrants had been repealed,
- but had not yet complied with the Committee's request for a
- copy of the repealing legislation.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- Iranian labor law, which exempts agriculture, domestic
- service, family businesses, and, to some extent, other small
- businesses, forbids employment of minors under 15 years
- (compulsory education extends through age 11) and places
- special restrictions on the employment of minors under 18. In
- addition, women and minors may not be used for hard labor or,
- in general, for night work. The extent to which these
- regulations are enforced by the Labor Inspection Department of
- the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the local
- authorities is not known.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- The Labor Code empowers the Supreme Labor Council to set
- minimum wage levels each year determined by industrial sector
- and region. It is not known if minimum wage levels are in fact
- issued annually or if the Labor Ministry's inspectors enforce
- their application. The Labor Code stipulates that the minimum
- wage should be sufficient to meet the living expenses of a
- family and should take into account the announced rate of
- inflation. It is not known what share of the working
- population is covered by the minimum wage legislation.
- The labor law establishes a six-day workweek of 48 hours
- maximum (except for overtime at premium rates), with one day of
- rest (normally Friday) per week as well as at least 12 days per
- year of leave with pay and a number of paid public holidays.
- According to the Labor Code, a Supreme Safety Council,
- chaired by the Labor Minister or his representative, is
- responsible for promoting work place safety and health and
- issuing occupational safety and health regulations and codes of
- practice. The Council has reportedly issued 28 safety
- directives. The Supreme Safety Council is also supposed to
- oversee the activities of the safety committees that have
- reportedly been established in about 3,000 enterprises
- employing more than 10 persons. It is not known how well the
- Labor Ministry's inspectors enforce the safety and health
- legislation and regulations nor whether industrial accident
- rates are compiled and show positive trends (Iran does not
- furnish this data to the ILO for publication in its Year Book
- of Labour Statistics).
- Given the large segments of the economy exempted from the
- labor law, the effects of the war with Iraq, and the general
- lack of effective labor unions, it is unclear to what extent
- the provisions of Iran's labor law affect most of the labor
- force.
- f. Rights in Sectors with U.S. Investment
- The U.S. investment which remains in post-revolutionary
- Iran, as reported to the U.S. Department of Commerce (see table
- below), is residual investment in the petroleum sector.
- Extent of U.S. Investment in Selected Industries.--U.S. Direct
- Investment Position Abroad on an Historical Cost Basis--1993
- (Millions of U.S. dollars)
- Category Amount
- Petroleum (1)
- Total Manufacturing 0
- Food & Kindred Products 0
- Chemicals and Allied Products 0
- Metals, Primary & Fabricated 0
- Machinery, except Electrical 0
- Electric & Electronic Equipment 0
- Transportation Equipment 0
- Other Manufacturing 0
- Wholesale Trade 0
- Banking 0
- Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 0
- Services 0
- Other Industries 0
- (1) Suppressed to avoid disclosing data of individual companies
- Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
- Analysis
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